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Absence and Attendance

We expect students to attend for 100% of the academic year. Evidence clearly shows having a high attendance is one of the main factors in students achieving the best grades.
You can support your child to have excellent attendance by taking these steps:
  • Ensure your child arrives on time for school every day and is ready to learn. Arriving after registration is recorded as an unauthorised absence. Students must be in school by 8:30am.
  • Avoid taking holidays during term time.
  • If your child appears to be only slightly ill, send them into school. We have staff who will contact you if their condition deteriorates.
  • Book any medical appointments outside of school hours. If this is unavoidable, please book for as late in the afternoon as possible and inform the school of appointments in advance.
  • Supply a copy of the appointment card  hospital letter if your child has an appointment during school hours.
If your child becomes reluctant to go to school or you need help, please contact the school immediately; we are more likely to be able to work together to solve any problems if we act early.
'On the day' absences: What should I do if my child is not 'fit' to go into school?
Contact the school on the first day of absence before 8.30am. Parents should call the attendance line on 01603 779990 and leave a message. In the message you must state your child's full name, year, form group and specific reason for absence. The information you give will be recorded on our official register. Parents may receive a call back to discuss the absence further. 
You can also report absences by logging them through Arbor Parent Portal and app, here's a quick 'how to' guide.
Please contact the school, by phone or by logging an absence, before 8.30am on every further day of absence and ensure your child returns to school as soon as possible.
Parents may receive pre-registration calls if their child was absent the day before. These are supportive in nature and are designed to identify any barriers to attendance and offer advice.    
Leave of Absence
There may be exceptional circumstances where you need to request a leave of absence for your child. Please use our 'leave of absence request' form to make these types of requests. The form should be submitted in advance of the leave of absence, by handing in to the school office or by email. You will receive a letter in response, to advise if the request has been granted or declined. Here is a link to the form.
Students are expected to arrive on time for school in the morning and for every lesson during the day. Your child is late for school if they are not in their registration form line up by 8.30am when school begins.
The Government remains very clear that no child should miss school apart from in exceptional circumstances and schools must continue to take steps to reduce absence to support children's attainment. I hope we can count on your support in this matter.
Please contact Kayleigh Attew, Shannon Eastick or Richard Moore if you require any support with ensuring your child’s regular school attendance.
Richard Moore Senior Attendance Champion - 01603 779995
Kayleigh Attew Attendance Officer - 01603 779990
Shannon Eastick Attendance Improvement Officer - 01603 411721
​In Norfolk, Fixed Term Penalty Notices (FPN) are issued in accordance with the Norfolk Local Protocol, to find out more please visit Norfolk County Council's school attendance webpage.

Further details can be found in our Attendance and Punctuality ProcedurePunctuality and Legal Intervention letters. Along with information on the intervention tiers.
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​If you require any information from this website in a different form or language please contact the Academy

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