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Arrangements for Parent/Teacher consultations - 15/12/2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

Due to the ongoing situation with COVID-19 and the associated restrictions with visitors in school we need to adapt our parent and teacher consultation evenings. Therefore, we have decided to trial a temporary method of these consultations after Christmas. Following the publishing of reports during the year, Form Tutors will call parents over a two week period. This will be to discuss the academic progress of each student.

Parents of Y9, 10 and 11 will be called during the 2nd and 3rd week of next half term, Spring 1

Parents of Y8 will be called during the 1st and 2nd week of the Spring 2 half term

Parents of Y7 and Y11 will be called in the 1st and 2nd week of the Summer 1 half term

Phone calls will be made by form tutors who will discuss general patterns about how to improve progress and attitudes to learning based on data and information entered by the teaching staff. Copies of reports will be sent home with the students before the phone calls from Form Tutors take place.

These Form Tutor phone calls are intended for subject information and discussions only. If you have any questions about school in general, please contact the Heads of Year at any point as usual. Following the conversations, if you would like any further detail from a particular subject or teacher, the Form Tutor will pass this on and ask them to contact you.

Best regards

Simon Woods

Assistant Headteacher

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