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End of term update - 26/03/2021

Dear Parents/Carers, As we have come to the end of the Spring Term, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on what has been a unique period of time. Since January, students, staff and yourselves have managed a return to remote learning provision with only a few days notice, the transition back to face-to-face teaching and a regular COVID testing programme. This is alongside the more usual aspects of the spring term as well. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the ongoing support you have shown to the school and our young people. They should be congratulated on how they have adapted and managed these periods of significant change and disruption to their lives. I would also publicly like to thank the staff who have adapted to changes in teaching, support and even becoming trained COVID testers throughout this time. I have been continually impressed by the resilience of everyone through this term and before. I hope that the Easter period allows you all time together as a family in the next stages of the government road map. Prior to the start of the Summer Term, there are a few key points I will outline below.

1) COVID Testing The response to the COVID testing and reporting has been excellent from all, with the students demonstrating such maturity during the process. Over the Easter period, it is the expectation of the Government that testing continues (on a Sunday and Wednesday at SPA) for both staff and students. Please continue to report test results using the TestRegister links emailed to your and your child’s account. It is also extremely important that the test on Sunday 11th April is completed, prior to the return after the holiday. 2) Revision & Review (Homework) over Easter At Sewell Park, homework is referred to as ‘Revision and Review’, this is because any work set for home should be to aid and support the learning which has taken place. Over the Easter holiday, it is important that students consolidate key learning whilst also having time for a rest with family. Therefore work set will be as follows: Key Stage 3 - Work will be set from the current week as it would be normally if it was a weekend and not the Easter holiday. There will be no additional work for students, however remote learning plans are available on Google Classroom if required. Key Stage 4 - Work will be set from the current week as it would be normally if it was a weekend and not the Easter holiday. Departments may set additional consolidation and review tasks to support the recall of key ideas and skills. 3) PE Kit & changing rooms Following guidance from the Department of Education, following the Easter holiday, we will be returning to students changing in the facilities on the Sewell Park site. We are fortunate that we have large enough facilities to ensure that bubbles can be kept separate and cleaned if needed later in the day by another bubble. Therefore from 12th April, all students must attend in full school uniform and bring PE kit with them. 4) Coats and uniform As we move into the spring and summer months, it is nice to see the warmer weather on the way. When it was colder we allowed students to wear coats in lessons where necessary, due to the temperature and ventilation. On our return in April, we will return to students being expected to remove their coats and outdoor clothing when they enter a classroom. If there is a day, or a particular zone of the school, which is colder and we feel they would be reasonably required, we will communicate this clearly with the whole school daily through the weekly sheet which form tutors share with the group. Our students have returned looking exceptionally smart overall, however, Mr Gannon has reminded students of a couple of important points and expectations for after Easter, alongside our usual uniform code:

  • Hoodies are not allowed in school and will be confiscated if worn

  • Footwear must be plain black, no colouring on trim etc

  • One nose stud and ear studs are permitted, no other piercings or rings are acceptable

  • Hoods or hats must not be worn around the school site. Hoods may be worn only when it is raining

5) Use of face coverings We continue to follow the advice of the Department of Education and Public Health England regarding the use of face coverings around the school site and in lessons. At the present time, the guidance remains the same and the expectation, for the safety of our community, will be that face coverings remain a requirement in lessons, around the site and where social distancing of 2m cannot be maintained. We will continue to review this inline with government guidance. Thank you all once again for your continued support for our students and the school as we move forwards towards the summer. If you require any further support during these times, please do not hesitate to contact us at the school. I wish you all a safe and restful Easter break, and look forward to welcoming back students and staff on 12th April.

I also attach details on some Free Easter Activities, Courses and Resources for over the Easter Holiday all in the local area.

Best wishes, David Day Headteacher

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