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Half Term Update

Dear Parents & Carers,

We have reached the end of the first half of the Spring term and it now feels like the days are finally getting longer. We have had a fantastic half term and have it confirmed that once again, we will be oversubscribed in September. This is testament to our students, staff, parents and the whole NR3 community!

Among many aspects, notable events include:

  • Our Year 11 students have been completing their coursework and preparing for their PPEs (mock exams) after half term. They have demonstrated such a fantastic attitude to learning and their futures this year - they are real role models for everyone at the school.

  • Our non-uniform day at the end of the last term, ensured we collected a huge number of items for local food banks.

  • The Art trip to Edinburgh and the opportunity to share in the culture and experience for our Year 7 & Year 8 students.

On our return from the February half term, our Year 9 students will transition from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 and begin their GCSE programmes. We look forward to welcoming them back to this focus on their futures.

Year 11 PPEs

On return, Year 11 students will be completing their second set of PPEs (Pre-public examinations). This will enable staff to assess the key areas for revision as they make the final push to the summer - thank you to all parents and carers for their support. As well as a huge well done to all of those students for their consistent efforts and application in their learning - their revision should continue in small “little & often” chunks to support the work in their Study+ sessions in school. Please continue to support by helping them utilise SENECA learning for small, regular, bite-sized ‘chunks’ of revision.

Uniform & Attitude to Achieve

Thank you to all parents and carers for your continued support in regards to our uniform and Attitude to Achieve policy. Our students are among the very smartest in Norwich and wear their uniform with a great deal of pride. It also demonstrates to them expectations in the future within the world of work. We also continue to have staff from other schools visit and comment so positively on the learning culture in lessons - it is fantastic to see our young people as examples of such positive engagement.

New Timetables

As mentioned above, with Year 9 moving to their GCSE programme, the whole school will move to a new timetable after half term. New timetables are available to view now on the Parent Portal on Arbor and students will receive a printed timetable during form time on Monday 24th February when we return for the second half of the Spring term.

Canteen ‘top ups’ for Lunch & Break

Finally, just a reminder that there is a slight time difference between topping up meal accounts on Arbor and the money showing on the canteen system, so please endeavour to add money to your young person’s account in plenty of time before the lunch break at 1.05pm.

Thank you all for your continued support of our students and ethos of “Enriching minds, enabling success” at Sewell Park Academy. I hope you have a restful February half term.

Best wishes,

David Day



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