Half term update 18/10/24
Dear Parents, Carers and Students,
It has been a fantastic half term at Sewell Park Academy! Our new Year 7 students have joined us and settled in brilliantly to the culture and ethos of the school. Our Open Evening was an opportunity to showcase the great work being done and it was really heartwarming to have so many students wanting to help and show what they have achieved to our community.
Year 11 Pre-Public Examinations (PPEs)
Our current Year 11 students have their PPEs (Pre-Public Examinations) a week after half term. They are in positive habits of Revision and Review, small, regular chunks, as well as utilising SENECA - parents should also be able to login and check their progress.
St Clements Hill parking & students leaving site
With the increase in student numbers at Sewell Park, we are seeing an increase in traffic on the St Clements Hill side of the school. Wherever possible, we would ask parents and carers to park a short distance from the gates, or on other roads to alleviate some of the congestion. We are also asking students to move on from the school as soon as they exit through that gate. If they wish to wait for friends, they must do this from inside the school grounds.
School Governance Team
We have a strong and active governance team who work together with us on the development of the school. This is led by Sam Webber, a former student of the school, as the Chair. However, we do have a vacancy for a parent governor, so if you are interested, please contact us through office@sewellpark.org.
Pupils eligible for Free School Meals
For those pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals, Norfolk County Council has just announced that they will extend the voucher scheme again until March 2025. Therefore, we will continue to email/post out the cost of living vouchers each month.
Finally, just to confirm, today Friday 18th October is our last day before half term. The Autumn term is always the longest and most challenging in terms of illness and absence. We hope the two week break gives all members of our community, students and staff, a rest - ready to come back in full health for the second half of the Autumn term.
Please have a well deserved break and half term together and we look forward to welcoming back our students on Monday 4th November.
Best wishes,
David Day
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