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Uniform Expectations - 28/05/2021

Dear Parent/Carer

As we move towards the second half of the summer term, I would like to take this opportunity to clarify a few points in regards to our uniform policy. The vast majority of pupils arrive in school every day in the correct uniform, which they wear with pride, so thank you for your continued support in helping us to uphold these high expectations and standards.

In order to reduce the potential spread of COVID19 and the need for greater ventilation in classrooms, we put in place temporary changes to our uniform policy during the Spring term. Pupils were allowed to wear outside coats in lessons but, now we are in the summer term and the weather is warmer, this is no longer permitted. The expectation is that all pupils (including Year 10) will remove their outside coats before they enter their classroom at the beginning of a lesson. Scarfs, hats and gloves may not be worn in lessons at any time.

‘Hoodies’ are not part of the school uniform and must not be worn anywhere on the school site. Pupils may only wear the official school jumper and ‘hoodies’, ‘sports tops’ and other similar items of clothing should not be worn and will be confiscated. In the event that this happens, a parent/carer must contact their child’s Head of Year to arrange a mutually convenient time to collect the item of clothing. Pupils should not have the hoods of their outside jackets on/over their heads when on school premises.

As it is likely we will experience more days during this half term when the weather is warm, we are making some concessions with the way school blazers can be worn. All pupils must arrive at school each morning wearing their blazer and they must put it on again at the end of the day when they go to afternoon form time. Pupils are permitted to remove their blazer during the day, including in lessons, but they cannot wear an outside coat instead of their blazer at any time. Our grey school jumper cannot be worn instead of a blazer.

Our uniform code states that extreme hair styles and colours are not permitted. Pupils may only wear two discrete earrings, one nose stud, one plain ring and a watch. Cheek, lip or tongue piercings (including nose rings) are not allowed. Nail varnish should not be worn, acrylic nails are not permitted and must be removed within 24 hours.

Our uniform requirements are clear and outlined in full on our website. When pupils arrive in incorrect uniform (for example in jeans, or in non-uniform skirts) we endeavour to lend them freshly laundered items from a small range that we keep in stock. If a pupil refuses to wear the uniform provided they will either have to return home to get changed or complete their learning in an alternative venue to their usual classroom until a parent/carer brings the correct clothing into school.

If you feel there may be financial difficulties in meeting our uniform requirements then please contact the school reception on 01603 411721 to discuss the matter in confidence.

We hope you have a relaxing half term and look forward to seeing all pupils back in school on Monday 7th June 2021.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Gannon

Assistant Headteacher for Behaviour

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