Year 11 2021 Examinations & OCR National Sport Studies examination on Monday 11th January
Updated: Apr 30, 2021
Dear Year 11 students, parents & carers
I know how difficult it will have been for you all over the past year and especially in recent weeks. Today in Parliament Gavin Williamson, the Secretary of State for Education, has confirmed that the summer GCSE examinations will not go ahead in their current form.
I have recorded a short video to update Year 11 which can be found through the link below:
The announcement also stated that the grades will be based on Centre Assessments of work. At this present time we are waiting to find out what that will entail, as they will be wanting to ensure fair awarding of grades nationally. As soon as we receive any further information regarding this, we will let you know immediately. However, I must ask both students and parents not to contact teaching staff directly requesting a grade. Contacting them regarding support with work is of course absolutely fine. Firstly, we do not know what evidence and information will be required to inform this decision and secondly, under the regulations last year, this would break the rules in regards to the assessment of grades and be classed as malpractice.
What we do know is that students will be expected to continue to work and this will count towards their final grade awarded. Therefore, it is vital that they take full advantage of the remote lessons and provision from staff, alongside asking for help and support where needed. The staff will do all they can to support the students until the end of their time at Sewell Park.
Today, in discussion with Mr Woods, Assistant Headteacher, Miss Morgan, Examination Officer and Miss Taylor, Head of PE, we have taken the decision to withdraw those Year 11 entered in the OCR National Sport Studies exam next Monday 11th January. We have made this decision due to the safety of all students and their families. With a 1,969 % rise in Coronavirus cases within our catchment over the December period, this is not a risk I would take. It has also now been confirmed by the Government that students who are withdrawn will not be disadvantaged.
Although it is disappointing for the students as they have worked hard to prepare, the work is not wasted and Miss Taylor will be contacting all of the students regarding how we will use the scheduled time on Friday and Monday to feed into the evidence of their work and progress which will be required later.
I want to thank all of the students and parents with all of their ongoing efforts through what is a difficult and stressful time for our Year 11s. As a school we will continue to do all we can to support them to receive the results they deserve and move onto the next phase of education. As soon as there is further information regarding the awarding of examination results, we will of course let you know.
Best wishes and stay safe,
David Day
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