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Year 11's - 28/05/2021

Dear Parents/Carers of Year 11 students,

Our Year 11 students have worked exceptionally hard this year, especially recently on their assessments which will be used to support their grading this summer. They have adapted to all of the changes and the uncertainty that there has been over the last year or so.

After May half term (from Monday 7th June), Year 11 students will move to remote learning provision, as the majority will have completed the necessary assessments required to determine a GCSE grade for each subject.

Please note that some individual students will be required to come into school at set times to complete any missed assessments or if their subject teachers have determined that there is a problem with some of the work that they have provided. Students will be informed of when they are required to be in school to complete this additional work, and parents will also be informed with the date and times prior to, and the morning of, via the school’s text messaging system.

The remote learning provision will be as follows:

  • All students will attend two live tutor group sessions each day with their form tutor at 8.45 am and 2.45 pm each day. These sessions will continue until Friday 18th June. In addition to having a pastoral focus, these sessions will be used to share notices and any important exam-related updates. Parents and Carers will be contacted if there are any instances of non-attendance

  • Lessons will be scheduled on Google Classroom as per the students current timetable. These will be bridging work within the subject to introduce post-16 provision, or to teach curriculum content which may be less secure or was removed from specifications due to the impact of COVID. In either case, the work provided will support transition to their next stage of education

In addition to their standard timetable, students will also receive the following:

  • On Tuesday 8th June Period 2 and Tuesday 15th June Period 2 there will be virtual post-16 Careers ‘Drop-In session’ online with Mrs Bugdale our Careers Lead. This will be accessible through the “Futures” Google Classroom and will attempt to provide answers to any remaining questions students may have

  • Links to ‘HelpYouChoose’ will be given to students which will have details of post-16 provision for different providers students may be attending

  • Students will be signposted to resources on the ‘Futures’ Google Classroom which will support their future development. This will entail elements such as financial planning and employability skills

If there are any students who are unable to access this provision at home, please contact Mrs Barwick ( and we can arrange for provision for Year 11 students within the Woodland ICT classroom.

Finally, the Year 11 Leavers’ Assembly will take place on Wednesday 16th June and students should attend through the Year 11 entrance gate from 1.45 pm (the assembly will begin at 2 pm). Whilst, due to COVID restrictions, we have been unable to arrange the usual Year 11 Leavers prom, this Leavers’ Assembly alongside the Year 11 rewards trip are solely aimed to celebrate their time at Sewell Park. In order to ensure the two celebration events are as positive and enjoyable as possible all students have been informed that their invitation to attend them is conditional on their good conduct and engagement over the last weeks at Sewell Park and in this coming period of remote learning.

It has been a hugely challenging time for our Year 11 students over their last two academic years, and we sincerely wish them well for the future - along with a more predictable period of future study wherever they are heading.

Kind regards,

David Day


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